Helmet collection
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Military helmets and headgear for sale
(click on photos to go to item)
Austrian Heimwehr helmet 1200 euro
Japanese flight cap 550 euro
Japanese winter hat 350 euro
French M35 tanker helmet 320 euro
Czech Vz32 helmet 280 euro
Austrian flat rim Luftschutz helmet 350 euro
Spanish M21 sin ala helmet 250 euro
Japanese army officer visor 150 euro
Japanese field cap 250 euro
AustroHungarian M17 helmet 950 euro
German Schirmutze 575 euro
British MK2 kid helmet 60 euro
Bulgarian M36A helmet 230 euro
German M40 camo helmet 1500 euro
Dutch AS200 helmet 300 helmet
Dutch Rabintex helmet 250 euro
US Doughboy artillery helmet 320 euro
Great war pattern Brodie helmet 250 euro
Dutch M27 helmet 280 euro
British MK2 rimless helmet 320 euro
French kepi blanc 180 euro
Spanish M26 con ale helmet 120 euro
Belgian MK2 paratrooper helmet 250 euro
Czech m53 helmet with cover 80 euro
British MKII camouflage helmet 350 euro
French M15 adrian helmet (zouave) 380 euro
Canadian MKII helmet Royal logistics corps 500 euro
US M1917A1 helmet 260 euro
SwedishM21-18 180 euro
US Navy talker helmet 220 euro
Greek M34 helmet 200 euro
Greek M34 helmet 250 euro
Swedish M37 helmet 150 euro
Iraqi M90 helmet (rimless) 120 euro
Dutch M16A helmet 350 euro
British pith helmet 280 euro
Soviet ssh36 helmet 380 euro
Greek MKII helmet 100 euro
Italian M33 helmet 250 euro
Polish wz35 helmet 250 euro
Czech VZ32 helmet 220 euro
Czech vz32 helmet 280 euro
Dutch M27 helmet 225 euro
Schutzmanschaft helmet used by the fire department 250 euro
Soviet tanker helmet 500 euro
Russian budenovka (cavalry) 1000 euro
D Lewis Pattern Flying Helmet 120 euro
German fur cap 375 euro
Swiss M18 helmet 225 euro
German flight cap 150 euro
British MKIII helmet 250 euro
Belgian m31 officer helmet 150 euro
Italian m16 Lipmann helmet 230 euro
Dutch M95 kevlar helmet 175 euro
North Korean visor cap 250 euro
German DDR helmet 60 euro
Egyptian MKII helmet clone 150 euro
Romanian battle damaged helmet 80 euro
Russian SSH40 helmet 150 euro
Soviet era tanker cap 75 euro
Copyright; Warhelmets